Certain characters like Benimaru, Leona, Clark, Athena, Yuri and Mai can throw airborne opponents.īop your opponent with a devastating knockdown blow. C throws in the direction you're facing, D throws in the opposite direction. Use this technique near an opponent to throw him. Certain attacks like special throws are unblockable, however. Blocked physical blows give no damage but special attacks inflict some block damage. Whenever you block an opponent's attack, damage is minimized. Press the direction away from your opponent. Your character can travel father and faster than a regular hop, making them difficult to react against! Perform a Super Jump and quickly shift, or Shift the joystick from, or and quickly shift, or Your character can travel lower but faster than a regular jump, making it excellent for the offensive! Quickly shift the joystick, or and release Shift the joystick from, or and quickly shift or Your character can travel farther and faster than a regular jump. In Extra Mode, the forward dash becomes a small forward hop. Shift the joystick or Your character dashes or hops in the specified direction in order to position yourself well against the opponent. Assume that all moves are done for a character facing right.